Blog: Storm over Waterland

Niets lieflijks aan ons Waterland vandaag. Het Markermeer beukt onverbiddelijk tegen de dijk, koeien kruipen bijeen en keren hun achterste tegen wind en regen in. Wind suist, water kolkt, regen striemt en de zon snijdt zo nu en dan kort door de wolken heen om zo het spotlicht op een klein stukje landschap te werpen. Zacht en lieflijk, beslist niet. Maar toch ontroert het: regen in je gezicht en de wind door je haren.
Nothing lovely to our Waterland today. The Markermeer beats grimly against the dike, cows crawl together and turn their backs against wind and rain. Clouds fly passed. Water is moving wildly, rain blows and the sun intersects through the clouds every now and then to throw the spotlight on a small piece of landscape. Soft and sweet, definitely not. But still it touches you: rain in your face and the wind through your hair.
Nothing lovely to our Waterland today. The Markermeer beats grimly against the dike, cows crawl together and turn their backs against wind and rain. Clouds fly passed. Water is moving wildly, rain blows and the sun intersects through the clouds every now and then to throw the spotlight on a small piece of landscape. Soft and sweet, definitely not. But still it touches you: rain in your face and the wind through your hair.